"I couldn't find a job... I was terrified."
"I was going to school for something, that apparently wasn't my calling because I kept hitting wall after wall. Then I heard a man say, 'God puts all the tools you need right in front of you.' I realized at that moment, God was grooming me and the tools I've been searching for were always in front of me. I jumped in with both feet. I Invested 100% of my savings into my business and believed without a doubt it was going to be successful. It was a very hard task however, the past three years have been so life-changing. Not just for me, but for our clients."
That's why I do what I do. Showing others love and compassion is incredibly fulfilling."
Robin Yeager
All Family Transport Inc., CEO
Long Distance Travel
Door to Door Service
Gurney Transportation
Free Passenger Ride Along